Innovate &

Krach Trans­for­ma­tion­al Lead­ers Workshop
Sig­ma Chi’s pre­mier lead­er­ship con­fer­ence for over 75 years. Pow­ered in part­ner­ship with the Sig­ma Chi Lead­er­ship Institute.
Bowling Green State University
07.30.25 — 08.03.25
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The Era of the Trans­for­ma­tion­al Leader

Krach Trans­for­ma­tion­al Lead­ers Work­shop is a four-day lead­er­ship immer­sion event that focus­es on the per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment of Sig­ma Chi under­grad­u­ates, devel­op­ing them into Trans­for­ma­tion­al Lead­ers in their chap­ters and on their campuses.

In 2025, through Sig­ma Chi Lead­er­ship Insti­tute (SCLI), Sig­ma Chi will enroll its mem­bers into Krach TLW. This year, par­tic­i­pants will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to par­tic­i­pate in one of four lead­er­ship cer­tifi­cates that will offer edu­ca­tion to pre­pare par­tic­i­pants for evolv­ing chap­ter and cam­pus cul­tures, the impor­tance of val­ues-based account­abil­i­ty, and a recom­mit­ment to the prin­ci­ples of foun­da­tion­al leadership. 

This is a major endeav­or in the Krach TLW cul­ture that has evolved over a 75-year his­to­ry, replac­ing offi­cer train­ing with Broth­er Krach’s ulti­mate vision, empow­er­ing Trans­for­ma­tion­al Lead­ers to sharp­en their social skills to return to their cam­pus and inspire change and inno­va­tion with­in their under­grad­u­ate chap­ters and in their communities.

Each Sig­ma Chi stu­dent will be led by cer­ti­fied Sig­ma Chi Facil­i­ta­tor Acad­e­my fac­ul­ty mem­bers in small-group ses­sions, designed to cul­ti­vate authen­tic dis­cus­sions about lead­er­ship chal­lenges our young men face daily.

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Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH

Over sev­en­ty-five years ago, Sig­ma Chi Fra­ter­ni­ty’s first Lead­er­ship Train­ing Work­shop was held at Bowl­ing Green State Uni­ver­si­ty. Now at more than 240 col­lege cam­pus­es with more than 265,000 liv­ing mem­bers, Sig­ma Chi will return to Bowl­ing Green State Uni­ver­si­ty to par­tic­i­pate in the next evo­lu­tion of our fra­ter­nal expe­ri­ence with The Trans­for­ma­tion­al Leader pro­gram and its lead­er­ship certificates.

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Pathways to

  • Track 1

    Val­ues-Based Leadership

    Align­ing Self

    What is impor­tant to you? What mat­ters most in your life? The answers to these ques­tions are found in your val­ues. Your val­ues should guide your deci­sions, your rela­tion­ships, and how you approach your aca­d­e­m­ic jour­ney and pro­fes­sion­al career. Engage in real-world case stud­ies to bet­ter under­stand how your val­ues dri­ve your inter­ac­tions in all aspects of life. Dis­cov­er the source of holis­tic well-being as you exam­ine what it means to be a val­ues-based leader in today’s world.

    Spon­sored by Rob Reif­schnei­der and the Reif­schnei­der Family

  • Track 2

    True North Leadership

    Lead­ing Self

    Dive into a trans­for­ma­tive jour­ney towards True North Lead­er­ship in this engag­ing expe­ri­ence where you will uncov­er your unique strengths through the Clifton­Strengths for Stu­dents assess­ment and lever­age your tal­ents to dis­cern your pur­pose. Expe­ri­ence mean­ing­ful con­ver­sa­tions about your unique expe­ri­ence as a man in today’s soci­ety, and explore how to build an authen­tic life with the sup­port of your brothers.

    Spon­sored by Bill George and the George Fam­i­ly Foundation

  • Track 3

    Ser­vant Leadership

    Empow­er­ing Others

    Ser­vant lead­er­ship sounds coun­ter­in­tu­itive, right? But the most influ­en­tial lead­ers aren’t all-pow­er­ful dic­ta­tors. They know how to reach fol­low­ers with authen­tic­i­ty, care, and a ser­vice-ori­ent­ed heart. Unlock the pow­er of this oth­ers-focused approach in build­ing effec­tive teams and engag­ing with pro­duc­tive feed­back. You’ll gain valu­able insight into behav­ioral styles to improve your lead­er­ship com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills here. The pos­i­tive impact on your men­tor­ing rela­tion­ships, coach­ing con­ver­sa­tions, and col­lab­o­ra­tion will be exponential.

    Spon­sored by Don­ald H. Schefmeyer

  • Track 4

    Adap­tive Leadership

    Facil­i­tat­ing Change

    Ignite your lead­er­ship jour­ney with the brand-new Adap­tive Lead­er­ship expe­ri­ence. Gain the skills to cham­pi­on growth, nav­i­gate dynam­ic envi­ron­ments, and spark pos­i­tive change that blazes a trail of suc­cess. Learn to lead through tran­si­tion, con­flict, and cri­sis, inspir­ing a spark of resilience and empow­er­ment in your­self and those around you. Join us this sum­mer and emerge equipped to mobi­lize teams and dri­ve impact­ful transformation.

    Spon­sored by Michael A. Green­berg and the Green­berg Family

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We are excit­ed to have you!

Ready to attend workshop?

Reg­is­tra­tion for the Krach Trans­for­ma­tion­al Lead­ers Work­shop will open soon!

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